Apr 10, 2021

Tony's Return to Starlight Shores - Part 1

Arriving at Starlight Shores, Tony felt strange. He hadn't been there in over 20 years, since he had met Cassandra in his college days. And it had been even longer since he had been to the Steele's, but he knew more or less what he would encounter there.

For starters there was his former mother-in-law, Myriam Royale, who hadn't exactly been his "fan" since his divorce from Cassandra, let alone after his two other failed marriages, not to mention his problems with alcohol. However, Myriam had not hesitated to ask for his help in trying to cheer Cassandra up, and she had received him warmly. (Perhaps because she didn't know yet that he was returning from his honeymoon after marrying his fourth wife, Jeannine).

Simon Steele, Cassandra's father, was also there. Simon had always shown sympathy for Tony, even during the most difficult years of his marriage with Cass and even after their divorce. He and Myriam still looked wonderful, not as the seniors they already were, but as timeless superstars.

And there was also Jade, the youngest daughter of the Steeles, a teenager about the same age as Bradley whom Tony had never had the opportunity to meet before. She was as pretty as Cassandra, which was to be expected since all the Steeles were good looking. The family was friendly enough to invite him to breakfast, but Tony didn't want to interfere in their lives. so, after thanking them for the invitation, he went straight upstairs to Cassandra's bedroom.

Myriam had warned him that Cassandra was depressed and somewhat moody; plus she didn't know he would be traveling to Starlight Shores, so he had to be prepared for her reaction. Tony knew Cassandra all too well, so he would be able to deal with it....

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