Apr 4, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 31 - The Aftermath

The night before Robin's departure was sad for the whole team, although in different ways. For Dustin it was the loss of an emerging friendship.

Judith not only felt guilty about what had happened, but she didn't feel comfortable around Juliette, as she thought she had been too hard on Robin. So she preferred to go to bed early and leave her alone with her brother, in case they needed to talk.

Juliette didn't have much to say. The breakup had been so devastating for her that she didn't feel like talking. Dustin decided not bring up the subject and just chat with her about trivial stuff until she was calmer. 

And so the whole night went by and Robin didn't return. 

In the early hours of the morning, Dustin got a message from him on his cell phone: 

"Dear Dustin,
"I decided to travel to Aurora Skies during the night to get to the Portal as soon as possible. Please say goodbye to Judy for me and tell Juliette that I love her. Thanks for everything you did for me. Hopefully, we'll see each other someday in the Future.


Dustin showed the message to Juliette. It was as heartbreaking for her as the silence and the offended looks of the other roomies, who  blamed her for Robin's departure.

The next morning, Dustin had to go to class on his own because Juliette was so depressed she couldn't even think of leaving the dorm.

Judith tried  to continue with her studies and keep her spirits high for a couple days more, but her enthusiasm had extiguished with her best friend's departure.  

She attended a few classes and used Advanced Technology devices to distract herself, but this just increased her nostalgia for the Future and, eventually, made her leave the campus too, to return to her homeland, Oasis Landing.

It took Juliette a long time to recover, mainly because she still loved Robin, with all her soul.  

She thought of him all the time. She imagined him in the Future building his new life and starting the family he wanted so much... without her. 

She couldn't forget the days and nights they had been together, and those last words from him that had hurt her so badly: 

"I'll leave tomorrow before you wake up, so you don't have to see me here the rest of the trimester. I thank you for the beautiful moments together, I'll never forget them".

"You asked me if the world was going to end, remember what I answered? I said that for me if would end only if you'd leave me. Well, my world ended today". 

Juliette would never forget these words, she wouldn't forget Robin either. Her world hadn't ended, but it had changed. He had changed it, forever.


"Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh, take me back to the start

I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart

Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh, and I rush to the start". 

(From The Scientist, by Coldplay)

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