Jun 27, 2013

Seeking Insects for Adaeze Min

At the Martial Arts Academy in Shang Simla.

"Okay, I already delivered the platinum, now this guy wants lapis lazuli".

Tony found his first lapis lazuli, and an excavation site. He couldn't resist and... 

In a hurry to deliver the gems.

 "Well, here's the lapis lazuli you asked for."

Now Tony has to deliver a relic to Jiang Lu, but first he's going to do some martial arts training.
Martial Arts.

He handed over the relic. Jiang Lu said he would contact him soon to continue with the next part of the trip. The day is almost over, it's time to go home.

  Just one more tour to the Forbidden City..

Then off to the market to sell some relics he found.

As usual, Tony did some good business with the relic merchant.

"Ok, that's it, let's go home".

August 18, 2012

Tony returned to Shang Simla, now he is at the Resolute Fist Retreat.

After almost twenty-four hours of searching, Tony was finally able to find the lapis lazuli he has been ordered. Now he needs to get two pieces of unmelted Mercury.

"Here's your unsmelted mercury, miss. Now what?"

Oh no, now Tony has to deliver three red assassin bugs to Adaeze Min. Great, what the heck is a red assassin bug?

"And here is the first one".

At the Martial Arts Academy.

"Second red assassin bug. Yay!"

Time to excavate a little.

It wasn't that bad. Tony found a few relics, a bag of money and a rare seed. Time to go back to the base camp to get some sleep.

Back at the base camp. It's been a long day.

The next morning he calls his wife, Cassandra, to check on her and announces that his trip is about to end.

His third and last red assassin bug.
 "Got it!"

Ready, bugs delivered. Tony earned 15 visa points, 8,900 simoleons and 10 ancient coins. That's enough. Now, off to home.

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