Apr 10, 2021

Tony's Return to Starlight Shores - Part 2

Cassandra was surprised, angry and a bit embarrassed when she saw Tony enter her bedroom.
"Tony? What are you doing here?"
"I heard what happened and I was worried about you".
"Well, I'm fine, so go back to your honeymoon".
"Cass, please..."
"No, why are you here, Tony? This has nothing to do with you".
"Yes, it does, cause, believe it or not, I still care about you". 
"I just told you I'm fine, now go back with your little wife".
"Your mother told me you were depressed". 

"Oh, so that's why you're here? The Great Myriam Royale called you and asked you to look after poor little depressed Cassandra".
"No, I called her. It was completely my idea to come, you know why? Because I love you, no matter how distant or how angry you are at me, I love you and I will always do".
"Sure, that's why you marry Jeannine".
"Why I decided to get married isn't the issue here, but I'll tell you my reasons anyway. First off: you dumped me".
"'Cause you cheated on me".
"Twice, with the same woman you are married to now".

"Okay, that was wrong, I admit it. But I asked for your forgiveness and you rejected me. It was you who ask for the divorce, remember? Second: before I got proposed to Jeannine I asked you once again to come back to me, you rejected me again and got engaged with Dean Lothario. You seemed happy with him, so..."
As she heard her ex boyfriend's name, Cassandra's eyes filled with tears.
"I was happy, until I discovered that he had lied to me, just like you".
"And for my experience, you're not going to forgive him, are you?".

Cassandra broke into tears. Tony hurried to embrace her, as she continued:
"I suspected he was hiding something, cause he never took me to Sunset Valley to meet his family. He never came to Starlight Shores either. He said we'd come together after the wedding... Oh, I was such a fool, I should've known something wasn't right". 
"You're not a fool, none of this was your fault, okay?"

"Still, I feel terrible, you know. I criticized Jeannine for what she did to our marriage, and I then I did exactly the same, I'm Emily Lothario's Jeannine", Cassandra wept.
"It isn't the same. You didn't know Dean was married. You were lied to, and so was Emily. I did cheat on you too, though, just like Dean, and I'll regret it for the rest of my life".
"The difference between you and Dean is that I've forgiven you, but I won't forgive him for this, ever!", she sobbed. "Oh, Tony, I should've come back to you when you asked me to, but I was so angry..."
"That's okay, dear, I deserved it".
"No, you didn't".
"Yes I did, I should've waited for you, but I just got lonely and desperate and ended marrying Scarlet because of that. That was a mistake, I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, dear."
"I'm sorry too".

(To be Continued)

Gracias a Bee por las poses "Cuddle Sad".

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