Jun 13, 2020

Daniel, Sean and Gloria Graduate From University

When Gloria returned to the University, she asked Daniel to forgive her again.

Daniel accepted her back on one condition: that she would never ever date Sean again. Gloria talked to Sean about it, he had no other choice but to agree. Anyway, at this point, he was practically engaged with Ashley.

Daniel and Gloria restarted their romance, more in love than ever.

Months later, Daniel fullfilled the promise he had made to his parents and graduated with honors.

He got his degree in Fine Arts.

Sean managed to graduate too.

He and Gloria had made their best efforts to catch up with their credits and managed to graduate the same day Daniel did.

But during the ceremony, Daniel and Sean barely spoke to each other.

When the time came to return to Island Paradise, because of how awkward the situation was, Gloria preferred to travel alone in her car.

Daniel and Sean traveled together but did not speak to each other along the way either.

Something was broken between them two. Daniel tried to fix it, but Sean was very resented. It would take him a while to forget Daniel, maybe he would never forgive him.

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