Jun 20, 2020

Daniel and Gloria Get Married

Back in Island Paradise, Daniel didn't wait and proposed marriage to Gloria.

It was done, now he just had to inform his parents.

Just as expected, Tony didn't approve of his engagement due to the conflictos that Gloria had caused between Daniel and Sean. Not to mention his mother, Cassandra, who blamed Tony blamed him for 'not having raised Daniel well'.

Even when he didn't agree with this marriage, Tony supported Daniel by giving him their current house so he could live there with Gloria. Tony moved to his beach house with Jessica and Aislara (his girlfriend at that moment) 

Daniel told Gloria what had happened with his parents and with his brother Simon, who wasn't convinced this marriage would work. (What really happened with Simon, though, was that he was pissed because he had heard about Daniel's affair with Sarah) So now Daniel was on his own, but at least now he and Gloria wouldn't have to continue living at Sean and Ashley's house.

Knowing that most of Daniel's relatives didn't approve of their relationship, they decided to get married in a private ceremony, and pronnounced their eternal love vows on pier facing the ocean.

They were married now. Now they would have to build their future from scratch, Daniel as a singer and Gloria as a journalist.

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