Jun 3, 2020

Daniel's First Years in Uni

The first year at the University everything went well for Daniel and his inseparable friend Sean Vidal. Daniel was dating Gloria Goth, and Sean, Ashley Alto.

But during the second year, problems began to arise between the two, for no simple reason. 

On day in the heat of the moment, it ocurred to them, as an experiment, and with everybody's consent, to switch girlfriends. Sean would started dating Gloria, and Daniel would go  out with Ashley. This was supposed to happen only for a while, but Sean and Gloria began to feel attracted to each other which made Daniel angry.

It wasn't nice for Ashley ither to see Sean and Gloria fall in love, much less at that moment and with the secret she was keeping.

At the end of the trimester, Ashley confessed to Daniel that she was pregnant with Sean's baby. This made Daniel even more angry, and things between he and Sean got even more complicated, putting their life long friendship at risk.

Sean and Ashley returned to Island Paradise to have their baby girl. Gloria left with them, thinking she could get Sean back, but he wasn't in the mood for romance. He had lost his third University year, and his relationship with Ashley was a disaster.

Meanwhile, at Uni, Daniel was ble to relax and do various things, among them, meeting new friends.

He was also dedicated to partying, drinking and throwing parties that lasted until the early hours of the morning. It was during that time that he made his biggest mistake...

He began dating Saraha, his brother Simon's ex girlfriend, who claimed to be in love with him but she was only looking for revenge.

Daniel and Sarah's relationship lasted the entire third year, which Daniel spent mostly partying. His grades and school performance drop to their lowest level.

During those noisy parties, Sarah call him to tell him she was pregnant. He didn't believe her, hung up on her and ignored all of her text messages from that moment on. Something he would regret later. By the way, that afternoon the police interrupted the party, arrested some of the guests and reported Daniel with his parents. It was a embarrassing!

Daniel apologized and promised his parents that the next year -the last of his career- he would improve his grades and would graduate with honors, but he didn't say a word about Sarah.

When he returned to Island Paradise, Gloria asked for his forgiveness and asked her to become boyfriend and girlfriend again, but Daniel rejected her, cause he was still resentful of her and Sean, to whom he no longer even spoke.

The next year, the three of them went back to the Universidad. Daniel to graduate, Sean and Gloria to make up for the year they had lost. Ashley stayed home to take care of her baby girl.


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