Jan 10, 2021

Speaking About University Students...

And speaking about University students, there's someone that also returned to Uni, this time to conclude her Communications career.

Yes, we're talking about Jessica Langerak (now Jessica Allani), photographer and explorer from Island Paradise, who has left her husband and baby for a few months to finish the career that would allow her to do better at her job.

Jessica has already two degrees, one in Science and Medicine, and another in Physical Education, but now whe needs one in Communications to move up in her Photography career.

It was going to be difficult for her to live all those months far from Royce and her little Bryce, but Jessica thought that, in the end, it would be worth. Everything was for the better!

She would wake up early in the morning to study.

And in the afternoon, as she returned from her classes, she would call Royce to know how he and Bryce were doing.

Then, a little excercise to relax and forget how much she missed her family and the Island.

In the evening, she would go to the karaoke to distract herself before going to sleep, although she eneded up admitting that she'd never be as good a singer as her brother Daniel.

She realized too that she didn't feel well being there alone.

So she asked Royce to come to visit her and stay with her for a few days.

Once Royce was there, Jessica tried to convince him to stay and study something that would help him get a better job.

Royce didn't like the idea. He tried, he really did...

But the University stress with the classes, the credits, the exams and the rest, weren't for him. Royce preferred the peaceful family life at the Island, with his baby, and his modest job at a law firm.

So he got rid of his new university look and returned to Island Paradise.

And Jessica was alone again, asking herself if Royce's lack of ambition would be a problem for their marriage and for the Langeraks, who were so fond of success.

That is to say, she still loved Royce, but she was afraid that their different ways of thinking and seeing life would end up separating them. Perhaps her father was right and Royce wasn't the kind of husband she needed? She rather not thing about that.

Somehow, it was good that Royce liked to be at home. 

That he would rather cook and take care of Royce than to be at the University, throwing parties and getting drunk with his roomies.

With him at home, Bryce would never feel lonely whenever Jessica went on her adventure trips, or to take photographs, but...

How long could Royce stand to live like this, always alone, in the shadow of the next project of the restless Jessica?

As if this wasn't enough, Royce knew that at the University. Jessica could meet again with her ex boyfriend, Troy Francis, who, after their break up, had completely disappeared from the radar.

But rumors had it that, after months of being missing, Troy had moved incognito to Island Paradise to try to contact Jessica and try to get her back. Could this be true?

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