Jan 9, 2021

Graduation and Two New Roomies

Along with the winter, another trimester started at St. John University.

A new roomie arrived to The Rebels' dorm, her name is Marsha Barrington and she studies the Fine Arts career. 

Leonard, practicing during his drawing class.

Clark is in the same class with Leonard.

Derek didn't have class so he went ice skating.

Leonard forgot about Sophie Mander for the moment, now he's dating Paty Hong, the other roomie who arrived to the dorm recently.

Paty and Leonard had hit it off, let's hope they last. Paty is in the Science and Medicine career and used to be Che Justice's girlfriend, but she broke up with him shortly before she met Leonard.

Graduation day arrived, Leonard and Eric get ready, with them is their new roomie, Marsha, and their ex roomie, Kyle Heilman, who came from Starlight Shores to attend the ceremony.

Eric has put on his robe.

Eric: And here we go, let's get that degree! Alexa, you'll be proud of me.

And that's it, Eric has graduated.

Out of emotion, he kisses his Technology diploma.

He can't believe it, after all those years repeating trimesters, he'll finally leave the University.

Derek graduated too (at last!). Though, as the rebel he is, he refused to wear a robe.

But he's happy just the same, for having gotten his Fine Arts degree.

Another graduated was Clark Gant, who didn't wear a toga for the ceremony either.

Clark obtained a Business degree. It was about time!

Leonard already had a degree in Science and Medicine, but this time he got one in Fine Arts.

Now University is over!

After the graduation, they all left for Starlight Shores to join the other Rebels. There they will have to look for jobs and start to build their future.

The Rebels dorm has been left empty, but not for long. Paty and Marsha will return after the winter holidays to continue with their studies. And new roomies will join them for sure.

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