Jan 16, 2021

The Rebels go Back to Uni/Marsha and Kyle's Graduation

After Leonard, Erick, Derek and Clark's graduation, Marsha Barrington remained as the Rebels' dorm leader.

Her roomies this trimester are Patty Hong, Shayne Scroggins (Katya Langerak's ex boyfriend) and Kyle Heilman.

Yes, Kyle returned to the University to conclude his unfinished Science and Medicine career. Patty is in Communications and Shayne in Physical Education.

Kyle, Shayne and Marsha, enjoying a snack on their first day, during the Meet & Greet.

Eating street food, another guilty pleasure of The Rebels.

The evening fell at the University.

Marsha and Kyle play with Science at the new and comfortable Rebels dorm.

There is still a lot of room at the house, so Marsha went out to look for new roomies and invited Norma Corlee, a Fine Arts student. Gary Clyde (at the bottom), a Science and Medicine student, would join them later.

That was Norma's first day at the dormitory.

It all went well that day, the classes went on as normal and each one of them attended theirs.

Weekend! In spite of the cold, everybody enjoyed one morning in the hot tub. That was when Marsha realized that she liked Kyle a lot. Patty tried to flirt with Shayne, but he seemed to be in another world. Who was he thinking of?

Kyle doesn't dislike Marsha, but he fell in love with Norma Corlee since the moment she arrived to the dorm.

Marsha found out cause he had told her himself. She was resigned and doesn't hold any grudge against her friend Norma.

By the end of the trimester, other roomies joined them at the dorm. They were Brian Petersen (Physical Education), and Blair Jansenovich (Business).

Patty and Brian passed out after the The Rebels' long end of trimester party.

Graduation day arrived for some, one of them was Marsha Barrington.

Marsha got her degree in Science and Medicine. She was ready to be the scientist she has always wanted to be, although she was a little sad cause she could no longer be close to Kyle.

"World of Science, here I go!"

Derek cheers up the graduates with the University cheer.

Kyle Heilman is another one of the graduates, also in Science and Medicine.

"It's over, no more Uni for me!"

Now he can go back to Starlight Shores and continue with his music career. Remember Kyler is The Rebels bass player.

Marsha said goodbye to him. Kyle promised they would be friends forever and invited her to live at the Rebels house in Starlight Shores. Marsha of course said yes.

Picture time, Marsha took a selfie with her good friend Derek Khan.

Derek was happy to know that Marsha would go to live with the Rebels. Landon Casanova (at the bottom) was also at the celebration for a while.

Back at The Rebels' house in Starlight Shores, Derek fixed dinner for everybody, the ones that came to stay, and the ones who would leave after the holidays.

Marsha, Shayne, Brian and Patty, in the middle of the celebration.

Norma Corlee was invited to the party as well. She was accompanied by her old friend Lizzie Mund and Esther Atkins (new roomie of The Rebels).

Gary and Patty became good friends during that vacation.

Norma and Kyle started their relationship, nothing formal yet, but it's going well.

Esther returned to the University along with his other roomies, which are about to graduate. Now she will be the leader of the 'New Rebels' dorm.

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