Jun 27, 2020

Daniel's New Life

Shortly after they got married, Gloria found out that she was expecting a baby.

Being a mom wasn't among her immediate plans, so this idea took his sleep away. Daniel, in contrast, slept peacefully and happy, thinking he could at last show his father that his marriage was serious and that he could be a responsible father just like his brother Simon.

Or almost like Simon, since, for his parents, there was no better couple, no better marriage, and no better family than Simon and Holly.

Gloria wasn't interested in competing with Holly Gabrielsun, but she did want to please Daniel, so she made all what she could to be a good wife and mother. But her pregancy wasn't any comfortable for her, considering she was expecting twins.

Daniel worked hard preparing the babies' room, and when his twin daughters arrived, everything was ready.

Daniel went to see his father to tell him that his granddaughters had been born. Tony was so excited that he forgot his anger and forgave Daniel. The family was united again.

These is how the Langerak twins look currently: she's Cristina.

And this is her twin sister, Monika.

 Gloria tries everyday to combine her journalism career with his mothers duties, but it's being difficult and exhausting for her.

Daniel helps her at times, and he enjoyds being with his daughters, but his singing career, which has been on the rise, absorbs almost all of his time.

Thinking of how to help Gloria, Daniel came out with a solution...

His solution was to hire a butler, which turned out to be a female butler, her name is Adriana. 

But there's a problem. Daniel likes Adriana so much.

Fortunately, she's a serious, professional woman. She doesn't like games, plus, he knows the Langeraks' past record, so Daniel did not get far in his attempt to seduce her.

Daniel not only got Adriana's rejection, but a warning from Gloria: one more or those "slips" with the butler and we're done. She's not in the mood for games either.

Daniel understood and quit playing casanova (at least for now). It's time to adjust his behavior to his new life as a professional singer and a responsible father. his crazy life as a single student was far, far behind him.

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