Jul 13, 2014

An Extraordinary Evening

the same night of the bowling alley, Kay and Shantel went to The Grotto cafe and had a great time, one at the pool table and the other at the bar.

Shantel fullfilled one of her biggest wishes, which was to meet a vampire.

Kay was starving by now so she approached the snack and coffee bar. It was kind of difficult to make the barista stop pacing around the place, but in the end Kay got her brownies. Meanshile, Shantel continued talking with her new friend for the rest of the evening.

Around 10 pm, both returned home. The reain was heavier than ever, it seemed as if the sky was falling.

Another stormy night at the Uni.

 Shantel was a little cranky because she had  missed a fraternity party to go to that horrible and boring cafe. Troy, the vampire guy, was the only interesting thing to see there.

Kay didn't feel angry at all, on the contrary, she arrived with enough energy left to study a little before going to bed.

The next morning, it continued raining, but at least for a moment the rainbow appeared to brighten up the landscape.

In the evening, Kay and Shantel atteneded Tiffany Angles' bonfire party.

The party didn't go well, someone added herbs to the bonfire and the smell gave the girls nausea.

Kay felt indisposed and went in the house for a moment to recover. Shantel was left alone in the garden and then something strange happened, (something that wasn't exactly the presence of that young zombi next to the bonfire). 

Strange noises were heard in front of the dormitories and some strange lights appeared in the sky, right over Shantel's head.

Then something terrible ocurred: Shantel was abducted by an alien spacecraft!

The spacecraft rose and started to get away, taking Shantel with it. Kay couldn't see anything cause she was still inside the house.

When Kay went out of the dorms at the end of the party, there was no sign of Shantel or the starcraft.

Only a trail of small multicolored lights in the middle of the icy night.

Kay had no idea what those  lights could be, but she had the feeling that it wasn't any good. Frightened, she ran home waiting to find Shantel there, safe and sound.
"Please don't let it be what I am thinking!"

But when she got home, Shantel was not there.

She tried to calm down, thinking maybe Shantel had gone somewhere else with Derek or with her new vampire friend. She was hoping she wouldn't be long.

What Kay didn't know was that Shantel had managed to escape from the aliens and had ran home, just a few minutes after her.

 Shantel was back, what a scare! And as if it wasn't enough, there was another zombi next to the garage. "Eww!"

Anyway, she was home safe and sound now. She didn't know how long it had been, nor she remembered what had happened, but she felt very nervous. Nothing like this had happened to her before, what a night!

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