Jul 12, 2014

First Days on Campus

May 19, 2013

The first nightat the University was very cold, -1°C

In the morning, Kay was late, so she had to go to school without having breakfast.

In spite of the rush, Kay and Shantel managed to arrive on time to their corresponding classes: Academics Principles and Persuasion for Business.

When she got out, Shantel headed for her next class: Physics of the Media.

And Kay continued with: "Principles of Man".

"First day of school, not bad, but it would be better if it would stopped raining. This allergy is killing me, it must be because of humidity".

"I hope the next building isn't far. Ugh, I swear I won't wear high heels for school again".

Even with her allergy, Kay felt better after hearing Professor Cronk's words: "I'm glad you come to clss, Kay. If you put an extra effort, you could really succeed". That was exactly what Kay wanted. "I won't return to Hidden Springs without my Science degree, I promise!"

The night fell over Uni and the rained stopped at the moment.

Kay and Shantel went to get allergy shots. The weather at the University is very different from the one they have in Hidden Springs, and they both resented the change.

Another day, the second at Uni. It's Spring already, but the weather is so cold that the winter garments were brought to the forefront

The two friends had the afternoon off, but they couldn't decide where to go, bowling or to the comics store. Or perhaps to a movie? It was only their second day in campus, there was a lot to see! 

They finally decided to go to the  Bowlarama, which is right next to their house. They didn't even had to use the car. By the wasy, Shantel's first shot wasn't bad at all.

It's Kay's turn, she focuses to make her shot...

And there it goes! That was a magnificent shot.

It's Shantel's turn again. Yes! Another great shot.

Kay shoots again. None of the two is an expert but they had a blast.

Enough of bowling. It's still early, so the two friends decided to spend some time at the cafeteria. Right at that moment it started to rain again.

Let's go! They had to get to the cafetería before getting soaked. So far it had been a fun afternoon, they hoped it would stay that way.

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