Nov 22, 2021

Dale and Kelly are just about to leave for the Meet & Greet when someone else knocks on the bedroom door. It’s Sarah Parker, Riley’s best friend. How can such a colorful character be best friends with someone as uptight as Riley Woods?

Dale comes out to greet her, somewhat surprised, what is Sarah doing here at this hour? Shouldn’t she be at the Meet & Greet, spreading charm while welcoming the new students?

Dale: Hey, Sarah, what brings you here?

Sarah: Oh, hi, Dale. I came to see the house where we’re going to live in.

Dale: (To himself) “Did she say ‘we’?”

Sarah seems to guess his question.

Sarah: Sorry. I forgot to mention that Riley and I are roommates, and best friends. So if she moves out, so do I.

Dale: (To himself again) ¿Riley Woods and Sarah Parker living under the same roof with Kelly? You’ve got to be kidding me!

Sarah: So Riley hasn’t called you? Well, she must be busy packing. I hope you don’t mind having both of us.

Dale: Of course I don’t, but ahem, can we discuss terms before we start the move? I thought I heard Riley say something about a discount on the rent payment.

(Typical Dale, business always comes first).

Sarah: Yeah, well, that depends on whether your girlfriend apologizes to her and behaves like a good partner from now on.

Dale: Oh, she sure will. Kelly is usually very friendly, yesterday she was just tense and tired from the trip.

Sarah: Great, then as soon as Riley arrives, the four of us together will discuss those ‘terms’.

Dale: (To self) If Kelly doesn’t kick me out for accepting you without asking her opinion.

Kelly: (From the bedroom) Dale? Who knocked on the door?

Sarah: Looks like your girlfriend needs you, so I’m off. I’ll see you in the evening. And thanks for everything.

Dale says goodbye to Sarah as calmly and cordially as he can. It’s time to confront Kelly. Yesterday he was able to avoid the subject 'cause Riley didn’t call back, and Kelly thought she’d given up. But now it’s a fact that she and Sarah are going to move in, no matter what, so he’ll have to negotiate with the girls, or, if all else fails, call in the backup (i.e. Terry).


Kelly is waiting for Dale in the garage, but he doesn’t come. It looks like he went to answer the door, she asked who it was, but he didn’t answer and took quite a while. Now it looks like whoever called is gone. Hopefully it wasn’t Riley again, time to find out.

Kelly: Who the hell is Sarah Parker?

Dale: (Oh, God, when is this going to end?)

Kelly: Dale?

Dale: Weren’t you in a hurry to get to the Meet & Greet?

Kelly: Now I’m in a hurry to find out who this Sarah Parker is.

Dale: Riley’s roommate and best friend. She wants to live here too.

Kelly: What, the harpy and her friend together? No way!

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