Nov 22, 2021

Arriving at the Meet & Greet. Kelly is still upset and hasn’t spoken to Dale since they got out of the car. They argue the whole way there. Dale doesn’t know why Kelly takes it out on him, is it his fault that Riley is a snooty, spoiled daddy’s girl who does whatever she wants?…
Besides, a discount on the rent payment wouldn’t hurt. The cash register Dale has for a brain hasn’t stopped ringing since Riley mentioned the rebate.

Dale walks past the bar. He wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.

Dale: (to himself): That bar is a flop, it has no ingredients for a good drink. They didn’t even bother to hire a bartender.“

Kelly pauses for a moment in front of the welcome table.

Kelly: (to herself): "Same souvenirs as last trimester– Why are these events so repetitive?”

(It’s pretty clear they’re both in a lousy mood, lol).

Kelly: “Okay, Dale’s not looking now… I’ll have a chocolate bar. It will be just one, I promise.”

“Anyway now I’m not modeling, I don’t have to diet, and I will need energy to study and go to class. Where’s Dale, by the way?”

“There he is at the arcade games, the Cho’s refuge when they are upset. And Dale is certainly not in a good mood right now, I think I’ve pushed too hard, I’ll leave him alone for a while.”

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