Oct 2, 2021

Time Traveler: E112 - The Good News

"Alright, you win. I'll leave as soon as you and Collin have arrived home safe"".
"Perfect, but before I go, there's something else I have to tell you, it's important".

"Why, more bad news?"
"No, actually these are good news, or at least I hope so".
"Please, Kale, get to the point already".

"Ok. The night you found me at the computer, I was looking for information on you in the Population Council's data base.
"What kind of information?"
"Well, I was worried about what that doctor said about your DNA. I thought there was a problem with your genes that could affect Collin, so I decided to investigate".
"And? What did you find?"

"At first I didn't find anything, just a file with general info about your birth. But digging deeper, I found this other file, it was marked as Classified".
"What was in it?"
"I don't know, I couldn't open it, it required a password. But I got a feeling that it contains the information you've been looking for about your parents".

"What?" Robin's heart skipped a beat. Are you sure? Kaleigh, you know how long I've been waiting to find something about my parents, so please don't joke about that".
"It's not a joke, I'm very serious. And I'm sure as hell this file contains the answers to all your questions, or at least some of them".
"Can you enter that data base now and show it to me?"
"No, we don't have time for that. But lucky for you, after you caught me that night, I copied the files to a flash drive".
"Omg. Do you have it with you?"
"Of course".

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