Oct 2, 2021

Time Traveler: E111 - The Restart

What happens if I stay?", Robin asked after thinking quietly for a minute.
"You'll need to hide from the police. Not a great idea considering Oasis Landing is such a small place. Sooner or later they'd find you and arrest you, they'd take Collin away, lock you in jail probably a year, it depends on the judge. But the true punishment would arrive when you come out".

"The Restart", Robin answered somberly.
"That's the only way they would allow you to travel in time again. By restarting your memories, they make sure you'll forget about the people you met in 2016, your wife and children included". 
"Sounds like hell".
"Well, it's a better than 'deleting' them permanently from the world, which would be the other option".

 "I won't have any of the two. I'd rather rot in jail, even die!"

"Very brave from you, but they won't ask you what you'd prefer. They'll just sedate you and proceed to restart your memory. They'll wipe away every recollection from the Past. You won't remember anyone, not even me or Collin".
"Say no more. Just the thought of it gives me the creeps". 
"Me too. That's why you must get out of here right now. Don't worry about Collin, I'll take good care of him".

Robin became pensive again. He didn't like any of the options. If he stayed, he'd get the maximum penalty; if he returned to Aurora Skies, he'd face another dilemma: tell Juliette what was happening in Oasis Landing, and about Kaleigh and Collin. He'd also should tell Ann about Juliette and Rowan. None of the two girls would be amused with the news, but anything was better than a Restart, wasn't it?"
"Robin?", Kaleigh insisted.

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