Oct 2, 2021

Time Traveler: E113 - Goodbye to the Future - Part 1

"There you go--it's yours now". Kaleigh said, giving the flash drive to a stunned Robin. "I could get in a lot of trouble for this, Crane, so I hope that is proof enough that I'm on your side".
"It is, believe me".
"Just, whatever you do, please don't tell anyone I gave it to you".
"Of course I won't".
"Like I said, the document is password protected, so you'll probably need a hacker to open it".
"No problem, I know someone who can do that".
"Now get out of Oasis Landing as fast as you can, and wait for Emit to get in touch with you to give you instructions".

"Okay. I just hope he doesn't betray me too".
"Emit would never... And don't say 'too' as if I had betrayed you. You know I'd rather die".
"With 'too' I meant the Council not you. In fact, I thank you for everything you've done for me and--I apologize for the things that I said to you, I was rude and unfair".
"Apology accepted. I know that wasn't yourself. So please, please reconsider wearing your bracelet again, for your own welfare and health".
"Yeah, we'll see about that--"

"Now promise me you'll take good care of yourself and Collin".
"Rest assured I will".
"When-- do you think I'll be able to return?"
"That depends on Emit. He'll give you some more options, make sure to pick the one that's convenient for all of us".
"I'll do my best".
"Okay. Now if you excuse me, I need to go pack", Kaleigh said and hurried to the elevator.

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