Oct 31, 2021

Time Traveler: E122. Safe

With the heater already on, both Dustin and Robin were able to shed their warm clothes. 
"Surely your parents won't mind if I use their room?", Robin asked.
"Of course not, it's been a while since they moved out, it's been empty since then, so you can use it as long as you want."

"Thanks, I'll just sit here a minute," Robin said, sitting down on the bed. Dustin stood there watching him.
"You know, I keep thinking you should see a doctor."
"And I'm telling you I'm going to be fine." 
"Really? Down there you almost passed out. You've got a headache, you can barely stand up, maybe you've got internal bruising. And those scratches on your face, they don't look good at all."

"The headache will pass and the scratches will go away in a few days. It's no big deal."
"How do you know, you're not even wearing your bracelet, you've been without it for quite some time."
"There must be residue on my body from the suppressants, or the damage would have been worse. Believe me after the bath I'll be good as new."
"If you say so," Dustin sighed. "Well, I'll hurry up and get it ready, I still have to call Juliette..."

Dustin started to walk, Robin got to his feet as fast as his tiredness would allow.
"Dust, wait."
"Yes?" Dustin asked stopping.
"Please don't tell Juliette anything."
"I'm sorry, but I can't keep something like this from her, it was a serious accident, she'll want to know how you are."
"I didn't mean the accident, I meant everything else, you know, the Kaleigh and Collin thing."

"Ah, more secrets?"
"No, I just want to be the one to tell her everything. I want to speak the truth to her for once."
"Sounds fair."
"As for the accident, I wouldn't want to worry her or make her go out at this hour and with the snowfall. So don't tell her anything about that either, I'll tell her all in due time."
"All right. If that's how you want it... Now, I'll fill the tub and then I'll leave you alone. Like I said, you'll have privacy here."
"Thanks, Dust."

"You're welcome. You know, this is your home, it's at your disposal if you need to stay and rest, or hide from those 'Council' people from Oasis Landing. You'll be totally safe here, okay?"
"Got it, and thanks again", Robin, replied wearily.
"Great, now, how about you lie down and get some rest while I take care of everything?"
"Sounds good."

Dustin disappeared behind the bathroom door. Robin stood for a moment, thinking about what he should tell Juliette. He was going to tell her everything without leaving out a detail, about Kaleigh and Collin, and how stupid he had been to complicate their lives like this. How would she react? Would she forgive him? Would she kick him out of her life forever? He had no idea, but of one thing he was sure: no more lies, he had to clean up his record and start from zero. If that was even possible for him.

(To be continued)

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