Sep 25, 2021

Time Traveler: E109. Bad News - Part 2

"And FYI..." Robin continued, oblivious of Kaleigh's thoughts. "I'm not planning to abandon Collin. I'll come back for him as soon as I'm able".
"Yeah, and when will that be? Solving your problems will take months, probably years. You could even go to jail. By the time you get out it will be too late. I'd better ask for a permission to adopt Collin. Edwin and I will raise him as our own".

"What the hell are you saying?"
"What you just heard. Edwin and I will solicite Collin's adoption".
"No, you won't. Over my dead body, you hear me?"
"For the love of Jupiter, calm down, okay? It's not a big deal, it's just an option, plus it isn't against the regulation".

Robin walked away a couple of steps, trying futilely to contain his anger.
"I don't give a damn about the regulation. It's my son, I requested for him, you were only a temporary mother, you had to return him to me as soon as he was born! What part of that did you not understand, Kaleigh?"

"Robin, stop it, will you? We're not going to argue right now. There are serious things to take care of. Besides, you're clearly not on your right mind.
"Of course I'm not on my right mind, you're trying to steal my son from me!"

"I'm not stealing anything from you. And that obviously isn't the reason why you're out of your mind. We both know what the true reason is".
"I don't know what you're talking about".
"Stop pretending, Robin. I know that you stopped taking your suppressants.

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