Sep 25, 2021

Time Traveler: E110. Trapped - Part 1


"Did you think I wouldn't notice? You wouldn't go anywhere without your medical bracelet, now you're simply not wearing it. You changed your hair color, your hairstyle is different, you even talk different! Your whole behavior is strange, you argue and yell, sometimes it seems like you're going to burst out crying... You're not nearly the cheerful, relaxed young guy I once knew, Robin. You're totally out of control!"

"Alright!", Robin exploded. "Yes, I stopped taking the suppressants. So what? I don't need them."
"Really? Well it seems all the opposite to me."

"I don't care what it seems to you. To hell with the suppressants, those are not the issue right now, but Collin. He's my son, I am the one who asked the RSL for him. I donated the DNA to engineer him." 
"My DNA is in him too. Like it or not I am his mother, you can't take that from me".

"That much I do know. But the contract is clear: you must give up the baby after his birth. It's the law, Kaleigh. You, from all people should know it".

Kaleigh went quiet. She slowly turned her back on him and sighed.
"I know the law", she answered, "And I would give you the baby right now, without objection, but-"

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