Sep 25, 2021

Time Traveler: E109. Bad News - Part 1

At the beginning, Kaleigh didn't know what to say, she was still angry at Robin, but at the same time, she was worried about the risk he was running. And about Emit, who should be appearing in front of the Council at that moment to try to help him.

"Kaleigh? Are you going to tell me why you are so angry with me?
"It's difficult to explain".
"Maybe if you calm down you could give it a try".

"Alright, let's cut to the chase. The Council already knows about your life in 2016. They know about Juliette, Rowan and your marriage with Ann Conners. They have the evidence they needed to arrest you, unless..."
"Unless you appear before the Council of your own free will, take blame for what you did and promise not to go back to 2016".
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. Ann is having my baby, I must be with her. Plus, I promised Juliette that I would give Rowan my name".

"You will do all that when your problem is fixed".
"Fixed? Come on, Kale, we both know that if I confess, they will take mi passport away and I'll never time travel again".
"And what do you prefer? Return to the past just like that, leaving Collin orphaned like your parents left you?"

"My parents didn't leave me. They died".
("Yeah, I'm not sure about that anymore"), Kaleigh thought to herself.

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