Sep 25, 2021

Time Traveler: E110 - Trapped - Part 2

"Robin, I'm sorry but the situation has changed. Your contract with the RSL has been cancelled. The Council will take away your parental rights".
"My parental rights? What does that mean?"
"It means that, technically, you'll stop being Collin's father, and you won't be allowed to engineer any more babies either".

 What? Why would they do that?"
"You broke the statutes of the Population Council. As soon as they put together your case file, they will issue an arrest warrant against you. They can come for you any minute now, so--" 

"Wait. An arrest warrant? On what grounds?"
Where do I start? Procreation by forbidden methods in another time frame--a serious crime. Improper use of the Time Traveler's passport, and exceed the allowed number of children, which is two per citizen. Those are three counts, Robby, and you must respond for them before the Council. 

You have until tomorrow morning to show up, if you don't, they'll come for you. So I better take Collin with me tonight, otherwise, a social worker will pick him up at the moment of your arrest and take him to the Community Center".
"I see", Robin whispered, with tears in his eyes. "So, you gave me away after all. That was what you were doing when I caught you at the computer the other night".
"I'd never give you away. They already knew everything. If they sent me here with a microphone was only to confirm it".

"They spoke with Emit, they admonished him and pressured him to take you to the Council. He of course didn't want you arrested that's why he decided to intercede for you. I don't know what he'll tell them, I just know that right now he's putting his own job on the line to save you from punishment".

"And if he's willing to do that for me, why do you turn against me, trying to take my son away?"
"I'm not trying to take him away, nor I'm against you, Robin. I just want to keep him from falling into the hands of the Government. You and I know what it is to grow up in the Community Center. You want the same for Collin? I bet you don't. If I take responsibility for him, he'll grow up in a safe home filled with love and care. Not like a poor orphan, always from one place to another like you and I did".

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