Aug 7, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 99 - Announced Visit


Well, here he was, back in his time. At home. 
Although, frankly, for Robin this didn't feel like 'home' anymore.  Bethany and Five weren't there, the whole place felt empty, cold and desolate... The moment he arrived he understood it: his only home was now in Aurora Skies.

But first things first, as soon as he arrived he went straight to the computer and checked the Population Registry to see if his descendants were already there or they continued to be missing.

Bingo! A long list of Cranes now appeared there: Michael Crane, Molly Crane, Dorothy Crane, Blair Crane - And of course his first born child, Rowan Crane. He probably didn't appear before because he was carrying the Shen's last name. But at some point in their timeline, Robin and Juliette sure had changed that last name to Crane, and so the dynasty was saved.

With the satisfaction of having solved at least one of his problems, Robin decided to work a bit before going to bed. He had fallen behind in his plumbot building and the requests from the Bot Emporium were piled up in his mailbox, so he got to work right away, creating nanites and trait chips during the night so he would be able to assemble a new plumbot first thing in the morning.

Exhausted, he was heading for bed when his mobile phone rang.
"Hello? Mr. Robin Crane?"
"Yes, it's me".
"I'm calling from the Reproductive Solutions Labs to notify you that your Volunteer will be at your home early tomorrow morning. Please, be prepared to receive her and host her".

"Mr. Crane, are you still there??"
"Yes, yes. At-- what time will she be here?"
"8 am. Do you authorize the visit?"
"Sure. I just would like to know wh--"
"Thank you! Have a good evening Mr. Crane".

The not-so-polite secretary hang up the phone leaving Robin in the air. What he was trying to ask was the name of the volunteer, but it was obvious the presumptuos employee wasn't willing to give him more information than necessary. 

And now the mystery wouldn't let him sleep, plus he'd have to wake up before 8 am, something he hated. On top of it, he had to deal with some nightmares about what had happened in 2016. Fear, uncertainty and concern got hold of Robin's heart that night. No doubt this slow 'return' of human emotions had started to take its toll.

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