Aug 7, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 100 - The Volunteer


The next morning, the only breakfast Robin had was a cup of coffee. Who could feel hungry at such early hours? He at least couldn't. He was barely awake thanks to coffee and to his recently re-discovered nervousness.  When the bell rang it was 8 sharp, that should be the volunteer. Good, at last the mystery would be revealed.

When he opened the door, both he and the visitor went speachless, and kept looking at each other as if they were seeing a ghost.
"Kaleigh Chandelace??", he exclaimed when he recovered. 
"Robin Crane. Hi, it's nice to see you again".
"Glad to see you too, but-- Sorry, what are you doing here?"
"What do you think I'm doing?", she smiled.
"Kale, listen. I appreciate your visit, but I can't help you at this moment. Just right now I'm waiting for my..."
"Volunteer? It's me, silly. I am your volunteer".
"What? You?"
"Is there a problem with it?"

"Was there a problem with it", Kaleigh asked. Was it a joke? Of course there was a problem! She was no less than Kaleigh Chandelace, his ex girlfriend, a brilliant student from the Time Academy and a dignified member of the Oasis Landing Law Enforcement. 

Kaleigh was not just excellent at her job, she was also a genius of the Rythm-a-con. She was talented, beautiful, smart, and most of all she was fun to be with. In short, a temptation. (Oh, the memories!) But Robin couldn't afford to fall for her again. Not under his current circumstances.


"Don't you like me anymore, Robby?", Kaleigh asked, after making herself comfortable. Robin breathed deep. "Robby". He hadn't heard that nickname in ages.
"Of course I like you, you know damn well, but - Er, Kale, listen", he continued, gathering all his courage. "Don't take this the wrong way, but - why would you choose to be my volunteer?"
"It wasn't my choice. The name of the donor is never revealed to the applicant. But, as a cop, I got access to all data bases. So I snooped around and I found out. Don't take this the wrong way either, but it was all an accident. I wanted a baby and Edwin can't have children, so I went to the RSL and..."
"Edwin Archibilt, mi fiancé".

"I get it. Well, for me it was kind of an accident too. I wanted an instant family, so I filled up an application at the RSL. I changed my mind a few days later, but I forgot to cancel and here we are".
"You applied for an engineered baby and then you wanted to cancel him? Some parent you are".
"I know, and I'm sorry".
"That's okay, I can have it on my own. My salary is good, I can afford it. And I have Edwin to take care of me".
"Sounds good, but we can't split up. The RSL would sanction me for abandonment".
"Well, then it seems like we're stuck with each other".
"Basically", Robin sighed. "Anyway, come with me, I'll show you to your room".

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