Aug 29, 2021

Time Traveler: E104 - Too Much Information - Part 2

The buzz of the coffee machine announced that the hot beverages were ready. Anything that looked like coffee, only artificially flavored mixes.
"And they call this coffee", he thought as he collected the tray.

In 2016, on the other hand, you didn't always get the best coffee, but at least you still could...
"Robin, are you still here? Hey! Ground control to major Tom?"
Kaleigh's demanding voice and the reference to that old song, one of his favorites, returned him to the present. Or should we say to the Future.

"Sorry, coffee is ready, do you want a cup?"
"No, thanks".
"Come on, take a sip, it'll do you good".
"To me maybe, but not to the baby".

"If the suppressants haven't hurt him, much less will a cup of coffee".
"Ugh, you're right, I'll have one cup".

"Not bad, what brand is it?"
"The only brad we get".
"Oasis Coffee, the Coffee of the Future".
"If you can call this coffee".

Kaleigh didn't answer. They both drank in silence for a while, each one absorbed in their own thoughts.

"Where did you meet this Ann girl?", Kaleigh asked after a pause.
"She's not 'this Ann girl', she's my wife, Kale. And I met her at the University".
"Are there still universities in 2016? Wow...  What about 'Juliette'?"
"You know well who Juliette is".
"Captain Shen's daughter".
"Yes, that's her".

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