May 20, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 61 - Warning Signs

Robin was unusually quiet during breakfast, Ann started to worry.

"Rob, is everything alright?"
"Yeah, why you ask?"
"I don't know, you look worried. Is it because of the baby? Do you think we won't be able to support him or something?"
"It's not the baby".
"Then what is it?"

Robin told Ann about his relationship with Juliette, that he had met her at the University, that she had broken up with him due to a misunderstanding and that she lived there, in Aurora Skies. Of course he omitted to mention her name to avoid future problems or unpleasant encounters. This made Ann a bit uneasy, but she was smart and self-confident, so she recovered quickly.

"Well, that girl is a fool for letting you go. Now there's no way I'll let her get close to you. And you better not get near her either, cause I'm a very jealous woman, you know. I don't apreciatte being cheated."
"Believe me, you have nothing to worry about".

Ann was tired so she took a nap, Robin got to work while his head spun. 
"The baby is gonna be here in a few months, Aurora Skies is a small town, everybody will notice, including Juliette. I wonder how she'll take it? Well, she knew this would happen eventually, so the right thing is to marry Ann, but... should I notify Dustin?".

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