May 20, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 60 - Great News

Ann just confirmed it: she's pregnant, it's time to give Rob the great news.

But first she makes sure she looks good, (as good as someone can look at 8 am with morning sickness), then she takes a deep breath and...
"Okay, here I go".

"Yes, I know you're hungry.  Don't worry, I made you a double omelette this time".

"Great, 'cause now I'm eating for two".
"Robin... I'm pregnant".
"Oh my, Ann. Are you sure?"
"100%. The doctor confirmed it yesterday".

"But... what happens? You don't seem happy", Ann complained.
"Of course I'm happy, dear. I'm just surprised, that's all".

"Are you sure it's not too soon?"
"No, in fact I was wishing for it to happen".
"Seriously? But you and I are not..."
"Don't worry, we are in this together, we'll do whatever is necessary to give this baby a proper home. Okay?".

"Oh, Robin, thank you. I love you so much".
"I love you too, Ann. Everything will be fine, I promise".

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