May 16, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 59 - Secrets

Robin's back in Aurora Skies, he just got out of the portal and is heading home. He missed Ann a lot, but he can't forget about Bethany and Juliette. 
"You're quickly turning into a heart-breaker". Judith's words... Were they true?
"What have I become, a cheater? No, I'll straighten my path from now on, I promise". 

Ann missed him too, he could tell. He realized how much he loved her as well. Ann was gorgeous, caring, passionate, funny and had a great sense of humor. To sum up, she was perfect.
"Are these your work clothes? They're... interesting", she teased.
"You think?"
"Yeah, and very sexy. Tell me, what do you really do for a living, Mr. Crane?"
"I told you, I build plumbots".
"In this outfit? Hm, I'd love to be one of your female bots".
"No, you wouldn't".

"Seriously, Rob, what do you do, and where do you go when you travel?"
"I'm a Robotics Engineer, I work at a city called Oasis Landing".
"Oasis Landing? Never heard of it. Where is it located?"
"Far, far from here".
"I'd love to see it. Can I go with you next time?"
"We'll talk about that later. Now, you and me have something else to take care of".

That "something" took them the rest of the night. 

The next day, Robin didn't feel good about himself.
"I'm a coward. I lost the perfect opportunity to tell Ann the whole truth about me and my travels to the Future. Maybe next time".

"And what am I going to tell her? See, Ann, I come from the Future, I'm a Time Traveler, that's what I do for a living? And Oasis  Landing is a post-apocalyptic place without real trees and no oceans, built over the ruins of a devastated city?"

Yeah, that was exactly what he told her. It was true, but Ann found it hard to believe.
"I'd like to believe you, but - how is it even possible to travel in time? Do you own a time machine or something like that?
"There's a Time Portal, actually".
"And where is this portal?"
"I can't tell you".
"Why? Is it some sort of state secret?"
"Sort of. So you can't tell anyone what I just told you".
"But that's not fair!"

"There, I told her. Now she's angry with me because she can't talk to anybody about the Time Portal and Oasis Landing; and because I can't take her with me to the Future... But at least she believed me".

After a week, though, Ann forgot her anger and apologized to Robin. She told him she loved him, she respected his work and the rules that came with it.  Robin couldn't believe it had been that easy! Ann was a real jewel, he was so happy he had found her! 

What was really happening was Ann held a secret too. Something she had found out while Robin was traveling., but she wouldn't tell him anything until she was sure it was what she thought it was...

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