May 15, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 58 - Capacity to Love - Part 4 and Last

"Why can't I just tell her? I don't think she wouldn't understand. Beth's smart. No, she's brilliant! Not for nothing I gave her every possible trait chip, so she would be a genius, she's my masterpiece! I don't wanna hurt her, I don't want her to suffer each time she sees me with Ann. Maybe I should remove her Capacity of Love trait chip? Yes, that's what I'll do. It breaks my heart but it's for her own good... or so I hope. Ah, this world is confusing, sometimes I don't know who I am anymore. I need help. Crane, where are you?"

"Forgive me, Beth, I promise you'll be happier after I remove the trait chip. You and Five will be happy together, I'm sure. After all you two were made (by me) for each other. I don't have time to make the adjustments right now, my time here is over and I must return to the Past, but I'll do it upon my return. I know you won't hold a grudge, that's the good thing about you bots, you use logic above all else. And you, Beth, are the best plumbot I've ever had".

It's time to travel to the Past again, the next time Robin and Bethany see each other everything will be different. It's not Robin's style to degrade his plumbots, on the contrary, he always seeks to improve them, but this is an exceptional case.

"Well, goodbye, Bethany".
"Goodbye, master".
"Sorry, (*beep*). The word (*beep*) has been deleted now".
"Good, thank you, Beth. I'll see you soon".
Robin jumped inside the time portal, to go back to the Past, where Ann and his 'other life' await him.

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