May 15, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 58 - Capacity to Love - Part 3

The anxiety his dream caused him continued during Robin's work hours...
"What's wrong with me? Was Juliette right when she said I acted like a robot at times? Could it be because I am turning slowly into one? What if I am indeed a plumbot and no one told me? Nah, that can't be, I mean, as far as I know I am human, I'm just... confused. And it isn't Beth's fault but mine only, I should've never given her the Capacity to Love trait chip, cause now she's confused too".

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't see Bethany coming as he entered the carport, and she caught him unguarded. 
"Spark kiss!"
"Bethany, don't..."

"Whoa, that was... powerful".
"Master Robin liked it?"
"I rather not answer that question. Just, please, don't do that again, okay?"
"Sorry, master. Beth couldn't resist".

"W-what are you doing now?"
"Beth uploads feelings"
"That's true, I can feel you!"
"Master Robin loves Bethany?"
"Yes. As a friend, I mean".

"Listen, Beth:  this, us, cannot be".
"Why, master?"
"'Cause I am human. Humans pair with humans, and plumbots with plumbots. That's why I created you, so you could be Five's girlfriend, not mine".
"Five good friend. Bethany loves master Robin".
"Beth, for the last time, quit calling me master. You're not a servant, you're my friend, my associate, and that's all we will be, get it?"
"Beth gets it".
"Good, we'll talk about this later, I gotta go now, the Emporium is about to close".

"And... here goes another day without telling Beth the truth".

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