Apr 17, 2021


"And I left my poor baby boy alone in the Island, God, how could I?", Cassandra sobbed.
"Calm down, honey, Brad isn't a baby anymore, and he's not alone. He didn't even have to go with Simon, I picked him up myself and took him home. He was going to move with me anyway, so leave him to me and just try to rest, okay? Now I'll go to make you some tea".
"No. Don't leave, please".

Minutes later...
"Tony, are you mad at me?"
"Of course I'm not, why would I be?"
"For me being a fool. You warned me about Dean and the Lotharios, and I didn't listen to you".
"Ah, I was just jealous, I really thought Dean was a good guy, different from his father. And he must've loved you so much, or he wouldn't have gone that far with his lies. He was fascinated with you, and I can't blame him for that".
"You don't know how much I regret having turned you down. If I had come back to you, you wouldn't have married Jeannine and we will be together now".

"Forgive me. I know it's silly to say that now, but as I remember how happy we were, I realize how much I still love you", Cassandra wept. 
Tony's heart sank. He still loved her too, with all his soul!
"I love you too, darling. I always will, I told you that".
"So, why can't we be together again?"
"You know wll why. I've made so many mistakes, that I cannot afford to repeat them, but, believe me, if I was single right now I'd stay here with you, forever".

"I know, and I'm sorry, I shouldn't say what I just said. God, what's wrong with me?"
"There's nothing wrong with you or with what you said. In fact, I feel exactly the same, but I have to do what's right, you understand, don't you, darling?".

"I understand, just please forgive me".
"No, you forgive me. I was the one who failed to you, and my punishment will be not having you with me you again".
"Oh, Tony, how I wish we could go back in time".
"So do I, Cassie, so do I", Tony whispered. He wouldn't admit it, but he had regrets too.

(Thanks to Bee for the amazing Cuddle Sad Poses). 

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