Apr 17, 2021

Second Thoughts


"It's late, your parents must be worried, maybe we should go downstairs and tell them that you're okay now? Plus, we've been here for almost three hours, you must be hungry".
"I couldn't eat now. I rather stay here a little more, if you don't mind".
"I don't. In fact, I'm not leaving until I make sure you're fine".
"Thank you", Cassandra answered. She kept quiet for a while, and then she sighed. "Do you remember our wedding, Tony?"

"How could I forget it, we got married on one of those trips to Egypt". 
"Yeah, you proposed marriage to me just out of the blue".
"And you said yes, which was a surprise for me, I had always thought you hated me".
"Hate you? Please, I was a fool for you, otherwise I would have never agreed to marry like that. I mean, in a vacation home, without a proper party and wearing that cheap wedding gown!"
"Come on, your dress was so pretty and you looked just beautiful".
"Liar. The dress was a trinket and so was your suit".
"But we had wedding cake, and we didn't keep those clothes on for very long anyway, did we?"
"Sorry", Tony giggled.
"Mom was so furious when she knew I had gotten married without giving her notice".
"She had to forgive me, I was so crazy about you, I just couldn't wait".
"Neither did I".

"You know? Remembering those days makes me feel nostalgic. We were so young, and life seemed so easy", Cassandra pointed out.
"It was easy, until I ruined it", Tony replied.
"It wasn't just you. I did my part, I let pride get on the way". 
"You were hurt. I hurt you".
"True, but I loved you, I still do. I should've forgiven you and stay with you till the end, for 'better or for worse', like I promised in our wedding day".
"Cassie, please..."
"No, I mean it. What happened with Dean made me realize it, now I just wish you weren't married so we could be together again, like that night in Egypt... That was the most exciting, blissful night of my life".

"Was it really?"
"Yeah", Cassandra whispered, getting closer. Tony couldn't resist.

He kissed Cassandra, and she kissed him back. It happened so naturally, as if they had never been apart.

One thing led to another and next thing they knew...

(To be Continued)

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