Apr 18, 2021

The Last Goodbye - Part 1

Fortunately, Tony reacted in time.
"Tony? What happened?", Cassandra asked, as if she woke up from a dream. 
"Cass, forgive me, I..."

"I don't know why I did this, I'm so sorry", Tony answered, pulling back.
"God, no I am sorry", Cassandra said.
"No I am. No offense, but this isn't right".
"I know. And I take no offense, in fact it was all my fault".
"No, it wasn't".

"Yes it was, I provoked you with my talk, all those memories about our wedding night..."
"And I shouldn't have kissed you, but remembering that night and other nights together and how incredibly happy we were, made me lose my head".
"Well, I  kissed you too, so, in any case, we both are guilty".
"Yeah, well, that doesn't make me feel any better".

"Tony, please calm down. Seriously, it's fine".
"No, it's not. I came here to give you my support, and all I did was make you more confused. Heck, I am confused myself.
"Well, I'm not, my feelings are clearer than ever. And I'm not a girl, I'm a grown up woman, I can deal with it. See, when you arrived I was not well, but now I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So you did give me your support".
"Did I?"
"Yes. Come on, hun, I know you've always liked drama, but..."
"Cause it is a drama for me, you  know? Now I will go back to Island Paradise thinking about you and what happened and feeling guilty for it".

"Is there anything you can do about it?"
"Like what? Divorcing Jeannine and marrying you again, you mean?"
"No, I suppose that's impossible".
"Not impossible, but... it would be complicated".
"I know, and don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm not saying I won't think about you day and night, or that I won't be crossing my fingers that something will change our destiny, but..."
"Cass, believe me, I want to be with you more than anything in this world, but in my circumstances..."
"Say no more, I understand. And I'm not asking you for anything. I wouldn't be that selfish".

(Thanks to @poses-by-bee for the Cuddle Sad Poses).

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