Apr 4, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 30 - The Breakup - Part 4 and Last

"Now you're playing the victim".
"Playing the victim? I don't understand".
"Oh, right. People doesn't play the victim in the Future either, right? You know what, Rob? I don't think you're a robot, a machine or anything like that. You're just self centered, you're worried only about yourself and your 'mission'. Well, I have a mission too and I'm going to accomplish it, with or without you. So decide now: either you stay in the Present with me and the team, or you go back to the Future alone and look for another girl to start your family.
"Is this another of your ultimatums?".
"Call it whatever you want".

Robin stood still for a moment, then he picked up his backpack and sighed.
"Okay. This really breaks my heart, but I'll  have to return to the Future without you, and I won't wait until graduation. I'll leave tomorrow before you wake up, so you don't have to see me here the rest of the trimester. I thank you for the beautiful moments together, I'll never forget them".
"Robin, please... ", Juliette said, containing her tears.
"You know, you asked me if the world was going to end, remember what I answered? I said that for me if would end only if you'd leave me. Well, my world ended today. Thank you, and goodbye, Jul".

With that said, Robin went out, got on Dustin's car and left the dorm.

"Where's Robin going?", Dustin asked, entering the living room.
"I don't know", Julie sobbed. "All I know is he's not coming back".

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