Apr 4, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 30 - The Breakup - Part 3

"See? You're doing it again", Juliette reproached.
"I'm doing what?"
"This, talk about the Future as if it belonged to you, making plans and calculations coldy and without emotion, as if you were a..."
"A robot? Is that what you think I am?"

"Sorry, but that's how you behave at times. And the more I try to understand that behavior of yours, the more I realize I'm not ready to deal with it".
"In other words, you're giving up on me".
"Forgive me, Rob, I love you with all my heart, but I just can't go on with this".
"You're dissapointed in me".
"No, I'm not. Judy's right, you're a good guy, and I'm sure your intentions are good too, but we're not in the same page and that will hurt both of us in the long run.
"I'd never hurt you". 
"I know you wouldn't, not intentionally, that is. But we are so... different. 

"Just look at you now, not a sign of emotion, not a hint of anger or desperation at what is happening."
"I can't be angry at you. I love you, Jul. And I'm not a robot, I've just learned to control myself. That's what we do in the Future to fight depression and anxiety, which are at very high levels I must say. I'm sad about you leaving me, but I can't lose my head over it, not at a time like this. If that makes me a robot, then so be it. I was raised by one and I'm not ashamed of it, I'm just sorry that you can't understand me."

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