Apr 3, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 30 - The Breakup - Part 2

"So you don't want to marry me, is that what you're saying? What about the promise you made? Were you lying, Jul?"
"Don't try to guilt trip me now, Rob. I didn't lie, you did."
"I didn't lie either".
"Not technically, but you made a plan without consulting me and on top you hid it from me."
"I was going to propose to you after graduation, is that so terrible?"

"Yes, cause I don't want to get married yet. There are many things I wanna do before becoming a housewife. I want to live and enjoy life, I want to be the owner of my space and my time.
"There's not much time left Juliette".
"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."
"So the world is going to end. There's another thing you lied to me about".

"The world isn't going to end, but it will change, a lot, and not for the better. A Dystopian Future is waiting for all of us, and I am the only one who can stop it from happening.
"All the more reason to stick with the team, we should try to look for a solution together".
"There's nothing you can do about it, at least not here. And I'll need Advanced Technology to protect my descendence".
"Your descendence. That's all you care about, don't you? You don't care about me, what I say or feel."
"Believe it or not, I do".

"No you don't, you know why? Cause you don't have feelings, you don't understand fear or anger or any other human emotion".
"I understand those emotions, but I have no use for them if our planet is heading for the catastrophe that will affect my children, and yours! I need to stay strong, prepare myself for the fight; I must save all my energy to try to avoid a disaster that could end humanity as we know it..."

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