Apr 3, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 30 - The Breakup - Part 1

"So, what exactly did you tell her?"
"Uh, I told her about your plans to start your own legacy".
"Why would you do that? it was supposed to be confidential, Jud".
"Sorry, it just slipped out".
"Goodness, I need to talk to her".

Minutes later...
"Jul, please calm down, why are you so angry? See, you got it all wrong".
"I did not get it wrong! You made plans for the two of us without asking me, and you forgot about the original plan".
"We didn't have any 'original plan', we just said we'd move to the Future and live there together".

"No! We said we'll move to Future together, yes, but after finishing our careers. And then we'll build our own Science Lab, do all kinds of experiments in it, grow the Forbidden Fruit and travel to the Dystopian Future to find out why the Oceans dried up. Remember that plan, Robin?"
"Of course, I remember that, but - that wasn't our plan, that was the whole scientific team's plan".
"Exactly! 'Cause that's what we are, a team of scientists, not just a mindless couple wanting to fill a house with half a dozen children to found some silly 'legacy'!"

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