Mar 28, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 29 - Unfortunate Conversation

Juliette spent the rest of the day trying to distract herself to forget about her fight with Robin, wishing as well that he'd accept her terms so they could leave all this mess behind.

In the morning she enjoyed chatting in the hot tub with Judith and Ronnie.

And in the afternoon she went to get a tattoo that would remind her about that day, which, depending on what would happen, could be a new beginning or the end of her relationship with Robin.

Meanwhile, Robin had made his decision. He was sorry for Ayana, but he wouldn't put his relationship with Juliette at risk because her. So, as soon as she returned from school, he kindly asked her to leave the dorm. Now hopefully things would be back to normal.

And yes, the evening was going wonderfully so far... Until Judith committed an indiscretion; it wasn't really her fault, it had been Juliette's idea to ask for her for her opinion about what had happened between her and Robin. She wanted a girl's point of view since her brother Dustin hadn't been of much help. 

"So you and Robin finally talked. How did it go?"
"Well, I dropped an ultimatum on him and I'm still waiting for his answer".
"What kind of ultimatum?"
"I told him that if he wants our relationship to continue, Ayana will have to leave the dorm".
"That was well played. Ayana has caused a lot of trouble already, but - what did Rob say?"

"Well, he said I was being unfair, but I hope he fulfills my ultimatum or I'll have to break up with him".
"Oh, that would be a shame. Robin loves you so much!"
"And I love him, but I can't stand all those girls around him, looking at him as if he was not from this world".
"Well, he's not from another world, but he's from another time, maybe that's what calls their attention.

Plus, jealousy isn't well seen in the Future, it's considered an old-fashioned emotion, as well as toxic and harmful to the relationship. Also, not to be a pain, but polygamy is kind of legal in Oasis Landing 2054".
"What? Wow, that's gross".
"Easy, girl. I'm not saying I approve of it, only that it is legal. But you don't have to worry about that, because Robin is not polygamous, he's a serious guy and he truly loves you. You're the only girl in his life now,

so think carefully before breaking up with him. Seriously, you'd break his hear, with all the plans he has for the two of you after graduation..."
"Plans? What plans?"
"Well, you know, propose, get married, live with you in the Future, in a beautiful state-of-the-art house and fill it with half a dozen babies.
"Wait, wait, wait. Did you say babies?"
"Yes, lots of them, that's the only way Robin will accomplish his mission: to start his own legacy and assure his descendence".
"His mission, you said?"

"Yeah, didn't he tell you? Oh no, don't tell me it was a surprise?"
"Believe me, it is a surprise".
"Oh my God, Jul, I'm so sorry, I ruined it for you, didn't I?
"No, Jud. It wasn't you who's ruined it".   

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