Apr 11, 2021

Cassandra Breaks up With Dean

"That night, when Dean came home from work, I told him what had happened with Emily and asked him for an explanation. At the beginning, he denied it all."

"But then he confessed to it. He defended himself saying he hadn't told me anything about her because he thought he'd get a divorce on time for the wedding".

'That's not the point', I told him. 'The point is you didn't tell me that you were married. You lied to me, Dean!' I was so angry that I started yelling at him, I called him a liar and a cheater.

"So he got angry too. He told  me I was overreacting, that he was doing everything in his power to get a divorce to marry me, that he didn't love Emily anymore and that, if she did not give him the divorce, he would use his political influence to obtain it from her. That was a red flag for me. He was being selfish and arrogant, and if he was capable of doing this to his own family, someday he would do it to me as well!"

"I went in panic. I told him that we were over and asked him to leave my house at once. He didn't argue anymore". 

"Call me when you calm down, so we can talk like civilized people", he said, and left without admitting his guilt and without even an apology.

"I haven't heard about him since. Not a call, not even a short text message.
"I suppose he's expecting you to call him. The f*ing idiot... Sorry".
"That's okay. I don't wanna talk to him ever again in my life".

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