Mar 28, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 28 - The Second Fight

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Juliette asked.
"I just want to apologize to you once again. Really, it wasn't my intention to upset you".
"Yes. See, I didn't know that jealousy still existed and that you were a jealous person".
"That's not the point. The point is you are my boyfriend, you shouldn't be flirting with other girls".
"So you don't forgive me".

"You don't get it, do you?  I don't care how things are in the future, but in my time, boyfriends are faithful to their girlfriends".
"Okay, got it. Now, do you forgive me?"
"I will, on one condition".
"Which one?"
"I want Ayana out of the dorm".
"But -- that's not fair, where would she go?"
"I don't know, or care. That's my condition and it's not negotiable, so either you accept or forget about me".

That's a bit manipulative from you, don't you think?
"I'm not trying to be manipulative, what I'm asking for is fair. She's been causing problems since the she arrived. First, she tried to pick up Dustin, but as he wasn't interested, she went after you and has been flirting with you endlessly since then!"
"Well, Raj flirted with you as well and I didn't say anything".
"But I didn't spend four hours alone with Raj".

"Even if you did, the difference is I wasn't crazy jealous and insecure about it".
"I'm not insecure, Rob, I just don't trust Ayana. So consider accepting my condition or it's over".

"Is it your last word?"
"Again, it's not fair. This isn't my decision only, the whole group has a say".
"I am sure they will support me, which you have not".
"I support you, Jul, what I can´t support is your jealousy, cause I don't understand it".
"Of course you don't. You can't understand being angry, or hurt, or sad either. You're always so... calm. Sometimes I even doubt you are human!"

"I am. I've just learned to control my emotions, that's all".
"Well, if you want this to work you'll have to be a bit more 'emotional', you know? Now, don't bother talking to me again if you do not intend to accept my terms."

That was it, Juliette had released her ultimatum.

Now Robin had to decide whether to fulfill it, or tell her what was going on with him once and for all.

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