Mar 27, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 27 - A Quiet Evening

The dorm was too quiet that evening. 

Dustin and Judith focused on their experiments, 

Juliette stayed outside in the backyard until the sun set and didn't show up for supper. 

Sarah and Ayana had to eat alone 'cause the boys didn't show up either, they preferred to do it later, when there wasn't anyone around, so they'd be able to chat in peace. 

"So, what exactly happened yesterday?"
"Juliette got mad at me 'cause I was late for the picnic".
"I think it wasn't because of your delay, but because of the reason you were late. I get it you want to help Ayana, man, I agree she's gorgeous, but as you could see, Juliette is very jealous".
"Yeah, I thought jealousy was a primitive emotion from the past".
"Well, 2012 is the past for you, we still deal with these things, you know. You'd better talk to her and settle your affairs before going back to the future".
"Alright, I'll talk to her tomorrow".

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