Jan 3, 2021

Life Goes on at The Rebels' Dorm

After Chipmunk's death, life went on for The Rebels at the University. 

Alexa was happy because she had found the love of her life. (That's why she had rejected Derek before).

Her love was named Erick Grimm, he was in the Communicaction career and that trimester he had become a roomie for The Rebels's dormitory.

Alexa and Eric became boyfriend and girlfriend immediately, and were thinking of moving in together after graduation. Of course, first they will have to get jobs, but in the meantime they'd live at the Rebels' home in Starlight Shores.

Alexa, practicing for the final exam with the Brainenhancer.

Alexa and Clark don't get along well.

They had many arguments this last trimester. The reason?

Clark wasn't studying for the exams, or helping with the cleaning of the dormitory, cause he spends his time thinking of just one person...

Paris Vanderbuilt.

Paris liked Clark too, but she didn't have time for him cause she was too focused in finishing her studies in Physical Education.

Besides, she was still in love with Landon and dreamed of graduating soon to move to Starligth Shores and be able to live close to him. (Even when Landon was married).

Everybody knew, including Alexa, that Paris was not to be trusted.

That's why Alexa was angry with Clark. She couldn't understand how he could date a girl who was in love with somebody else. Derek, on the other hand, could understand Clark perfectly.

Cause now Alexa was Eric's girlfriend, so he didn't have any hope, but he continued to think about her.

And Leonard could relate to Paris, cause, just like her, he was still in love with his ex, Sophie Mander, but she was still MIA.

Leonard thought about Sophie all the time, but he knew he had to forget her and go on with his life.

Leonard: It's over, Soph, I'll graduate, I'll leave this place and forget you.

Those were the last days at school, everybody wanted to prepare for the exams, but they also wanted to celebrate.
Derek: Hey, don't finish all the beer, I want to drink too.

Leonard tried to invite Shely Corazo on a date, but she didn't accept cause she's in love with somebody else. In passing, Leonard found out that 'somebody else' was Derek. Perhaps he should know this information? But, what for? If they all would leave the campus soon and maybe they wouldn't see Shely again.

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