Dec 19, 2020

What Happened With Katya Langerak and Scot Macklamoor?


Before we continue with Landon Casanovaa and his University Life, let's see what happened with Katya Langerak and her beloved Scot Macklamoor, about whom we talked for the last time in this post

Scot returned with Katya to Starlight Shores to start living together at the house Katya's parents gave to her.

Katya got a job at the hospital to start her career as a doctor and continued practicing the Science skill at home.

Scot started to work as well in the Medicine career, but as his schedule was different from Katya's, he spent a lot of time alone, practicing the skills he needed to be promoted.

Sometimes Katya and Scot practiced together with their Logic skill.

Their life went smoothly cause they were much in love.

The day arrived when Scot would meet his in-laws Jason and Reneé. He felt nervous knowing that they were both celebrities. Being the boyfriend of a famous people's daughter had always been a concern for him.

Fortunately, he didn't do so bad with the Langeraks, at least not with Jason, who was kind and sympathetic to him. 

Jason welcomed Scot into the family without a problem.

They both hit it off at first sight and Katya felt relieved.
"Yes! Thank you, God".

But her relief vanished (and so did Scot's smile) when it was the turn to introduce him to Reneé.

"There's something about him I don't like, are you sure you want to continue with this?"
"Mom, please, lower your voice, Scot could hear you".

"Well, let him hear me, so he' will be careful", and then to Scot. "I have contacts all over the city, if you misbehaves I'll find out, you have been warned".
Reneé didn't have anymore to say, so she left. Katya felt embarrassed, but not surprised at all, she knew that her mother had a difficult character.

"Easy, darling, I'll do the impossible to earn your mother's approval", Scot promised her.

But nothing Reneé would think or say could extinguish the immense love Katya felt for Scot.

Back at home, they both had forgotten the incident and they were taking pictures for the memory.

Ah, if Katya had known then that her mother was right... But many things had to happen to make Katya open her eyes to the sad reality.

(To be Continued)

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