May 6, 2020

Katya Langerak Finished the Uni

Just like her distant cousins, the Casanova brothers, Katya also studied at the University.

During her first trimester she met her first love, Leonard Shelley, but their romance didn't last long thanks to Leonard neurotic character.

Time later, Katya met Shayne Scroggins.

The relationship worked for a while since Shayne was a very nice and sweet boy.

But something was missing, or at least Katya felt that way, and before the trimester ended, she said goodbye to Shayne. He was really broken hearted.

Almost at the end of the career, she met her true love, Scot Macklamoor

With Scot, Katya felt as if she walked above the clouds, and he felt the same way; so, during the last trimester they went steady.

From that moment on, Katya took her studies more seriously.

And shortly after, she graduated.

Her dream of becoming a Phd had come true.

Jason, her father, accompanied the day of the ceremony. Her mother couldn't attend cause she was on music a tour. Neither her sister Josie could be there, for the same reasons than their mother: her music.

But Katya and Jason celebrated anyway.

Goodbye to Uni. Katya would return to Starlight Shores with Scot by her side to start their new life together, as well as their careers as doctors.

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