Dec 13, 2020

Landon Agrees to go to the University (and Doesn't Regret it)


Landon, waiting for his mom while she signs autographs after another succesful performance at the Los Sueños Private Club.
"Why can she dedicate herself to m usica and I can't?"
Maybe because Michelle went to the University first.

Alright, Landon agreed to take the Aptitude Test to enroll in the University.

The test was a bit difficult and Landon hasn't honed many skills, but he did his best effort.

And he hardly got a scolarship for the Fine Arts career.
"Phew, I wasn't that bad".

Landon still thought that going to the University would be a waste of time, what he wanted was to start his band as soon as possible, play in clubs and make money, but...
"Anyway, here I go".

He made the call and was enrolled in the Universidad.

It's time to leave, Michelle is happy, Landon is not.

"Okay, I'm at the University, now what?"

On Landon's first night at the campus there was a snowfall. It was a pretty freezing winter, which made him miss his city even more.

"Ugh, the weather in here is horrible, it's nothing like the sunny Starlight Shores".

In the morning, the rainbow came out, as good omen. Being at the University couldn't be that bad.

Landon focused in studying thinking that, if he put enough effort in it, maybe something good would come out of all that.

And he was right, cause after a while, something unexpected happened in Landon's boring University Life.

He met Celeste Bentley, who would soon become the love of his life.

Although Landon and Celeste didn't became boyfriend and girlfriend immediately, meeting her brightened his days and made him put more effort in his studies.

It hadn't been such a bad idea to enroll in the University after all...

(To be Continued)

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