Nov 21, 2020

A Dream, a Nightmare, and Back to Reality

Tony stayed a couple days more in France to continue his quest with the Dutiels, getting the pomgranates for the spirit in the garden of their house, which wasn't any problem for him.

And since he was at the Nectary, he picked some bottles of 'nectar' to take home.

He still had a whole day to think about his decision, why not accompany it with a good wine?

Thinking and drinking wasn't the only thing Tony did, he also went fishing for frogs by order of his friend Adele Durand, (for a change).

In the evening he tended his recently started garden, which was starting to look pretty good.

He worked at the invention table to improve this skill which he had forgotten about a bit.

He practiced some of his favorite cooking recipes to perfection.

And ended the day practicing one of the things he enjoyed the most: painting.

When the time to go to bed arrived, Tony had two unsettling dreams, or should we say, one nightmare and one dream.

In the nightmare, he and Cassandra had a not pleasant encounter at the Island Paradise beach, she was poorly dressed (not like her) and he was wearing his adventurer clothes.

They were arguing heatedly, she insulted him and Tony defended himself in the same fashion. Another strange thing, cause they had never done such thing in all the time they were together.

Cassandra slapped his face.

And they started a fist fight, another thing that would be impossible in real life, cause Tony had always been friendly and respectful, and Cassandra was a total lady.

In this horrible nightmare, Cassandra beat Tony, which he thought was in line with reality, since he couldn't forget her and that counted as a defeat.

After that, Cassandra asked for his forgiveness, but he was so offended that he wouldn't give it to her.

And Cassandra left crying. That image was stuck in Tony's memory until he had the second dream, one much nicer and comforting.

In said dream, Cassandra came to visit him to his new home in Island Paradise, she looked fabulous as ever.

She told him that she thought of him all the time, and that, as much as she had tried, she hadn't been able to forget him, 

That she still loved him and that she wanted to go back to him

Then she returned to live with him and their son, Bradley, (in the dream he was already a teen), promising that she would never leave again. Tony's happiness was endless.

But sadly, it had been just a dream. It was time to go back to reality. The next morning, Tony was back in Island Paradise, ready to make a permanent change in his life.

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