Nov 15, 2020

Quick Adventure in France

As he didn't have much to do in Island Paradise, Tony returned to Champs Les Sims to look for some easy quest with which to distract himself. Upon arriving, he got a message from Lea Dutiel: "Hi, Tony. I moved in recently. While I inspected the grounds I found a strange walled area near my house. I'd like to investigate it, but I've been busy rearranging the interior. You know how things can get! I'm willing to pay someone to investigate for me. The aspiring adventurers should pay to visit me in my house. Sincerely, Lea Dutiel".

"I would really appreciate it if you could investigate this peculiar area for me. All I know is that my basement seems suspiciously deep and, ocasionalmly, there's strange noises coming out of it. Maybe you should check down there first. Here's the key. When you finish, come to talk to me about what you found".

 Tony isn't very inspired, nor he feels like investigating anything, but Lea and Gaston are his long-time friends, and he really wants to distract his mind, so he accepted. By the way, Lea knows he isn't any 'aspiring advernturer', it was just a joke. Or so he hopes".

With the key that Lea gave him, he was able to get in the basement where he found the typical: a locked door, a switch and pushable statues. Boring!

"There's no other choice but to push the statue, which, as always, is too heavy.

But that isn't a problem for Tony and he manages to push it all the way to the switch.

There, the door is unlocked.

Now let's see what's inside of there.

Wow, that's a fairly big area he will have to investigate.

The first thing he finds is this hole on the floor with a switch inside of it, which Tony activates and...

A secret door opens at the other side.

Tony crosses to find out what is inside.


He'll have to report his findings to Lea Dutiel, but first, Tony opens the chest and loots the treasure.

He checks as well inside the sarcophagus. No treasure should be left behind!

Before leaving he remembered he still had to investigate something else for Lea.
"... Turns out it could have been a reason why my secret garden was sealed. It's haunted! Do you think you can communicate with the apparition for me? Perhaps you'll discover what is it that he wants, what he needs to go, or maybe what he accepts to pay of rent? His tumb is in the garden.
A haunted garde? Geeze, but anyway, it's money and, besides, Tony appreciates his friends the Dutiels too much, so he doesn't hesitate and goes to investigate.

"This place does give me the creeps..."

"After crying in front of the tomb, a voice whispers in the wind: 'My beloved adored pomgranates. She loved to eat them after dinner. I think the garder would be truly complete if pomgranates were planted in it. If this was done I think I could finally rest".

"So this was it, pomgranates. Okay, I'll inform the Dutiels. Now let's stand on that floor switch ".

Tony stands on the switch and...

Another secret door opens, this leads to the Dutiel's garden.

The area isn't sealed anymore. Problem solved! Now they just need those pomgranates.

Tony goes back to the Nectary to talk to Lea.

Tony reports his findings with Lea, she feels happy and Tony receives not only her gratefulness, but 20 visa points, 500 simoleons and a better friendship... Along with another quest:
 "I'm so glad to find out that the ghost isn't hostile. I was about to call my real estate agent to tell him a thing or two. Could you ask the apparition if there's something else that he needs? I want to leave this ghost matter behind as soon as possible."
Tony is fed up too with the infamous ghost, but he accepts to continue the next morning. It's been enough for today.

After promising Lea that he'll continue with the mission at dawn, Tony retires to rest in his now cold and wintery yet very beloved Champs Les Sims.

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