Nov 22, 2020

Tony and Jeannine, Together Again

Tony left Champs Les Sim promising not to go back there, unless it was with Jeannine and their son, Jean.

Before returning home, he had visited Egypt briefly to put in order his relic business.

And left determined to take his next step, although he didn't do that right away.

First, he took a few days to do the things he enjoyed the most, like windsurfing, diving and boat riding.

He visited his favorite bars to 'say farewell' to alcohol.

And dedicated the evenings to relax and plan his new life.

He took refuge for a few days in the smallest of his two houseboats, to be alone with his thoughts.

There he spent the nights reading, meditating, and trying to break free from the memory of Cassandra, until he did, with a mix of courage, willpower...

And determination. 
"It's over. This is as far you and I got, Cass. Good luck and may you be very happy".

The next morning he called Jeannine on the phone to tell her he'd go to see her. She breath with relief. Since Cassandra had announce her wedding with Dean Lothario she had been praying for Tony to call her!

That evening, Tony stayed at the Villa Le Rose, the house he had bought for Jeannine and their son at the Island.

There, for the frist time in many years, Tony felt really at home and in peace.

In the morning, while Jean was at school, Tony invited Jeannine to his houseboat to ask her to live together.
"We'll move in together, that's all?", she asked.
"You know that I'm not good with commitment, but all I ask you is to let me take care of you and Jean. We'll see if it works and maybe later you and I could..."
"Alright, I'm in".

That wasn't exactly what Jeannine wanted, but it was a start, and the opportunity she had been waiting for, a dream come true. With Cassandra out of the scene, the rest (marriage) will surely arrive on its own.

They spent the rest of the day together at the houseboat, like in a honeymoon, making plans for their new life together.

None of the two knew what the future had in store for them, the only thing Jeannine knew was that she loved him with all her soul. And Tony was sure that by her side, he would never feel alone again.


(Sims 3 Exchange)

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