Nov 1, 2020

Tony and Tamika

Tamika Gay worked as a cleaning girl in Tony's houseboat, and so they met each other. Tony was captivated by her for one simple reason: she reminded him of Cassandra, physically.

It was precisely because of that resemblance, and because of her great beauty of course, that Tamika soon stopped being an employee to become a model for Tony's sculptures.

Faster than she expected, she went from being the cleaning girl to Tony's best friend, his inseparable companion in good and bad.

One thing led to another and, inevitably, the friendship turned into a romance.

Tony didn't know if it would work, but - why wouldn't it? His father had married his housekeeper and his brother Kurtis, the cleaning girl, precisely.

What would be wrong with him marrying Tamika? Absolutely anything, she was gorgeous and besides, she wasn't the cleaning girl now, but his full time model.

The problem came when Tamika noticed that, in every sculpture, it was Cassandra that Tony was seeing, not her.

That wasn't flattering at all for her, so she decided to end the relationship and she quit as his model too. It was the shortest relationship Tony had in his life.

But he understood Tamika's reasons. She was absolutely right! He couldn't forget Cassandra! So he let her go and moved on. He was alone again, and -again- it wouldn't be for long.

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